We prefer days filled with matcha lattes and soulful marketing.

Delve into why our clients have dubbed us “The Customer Whisperer.”

select works

  • Cuyana

    Interwove into the brand marketing team to boost social media presence and team capacity, including working cross-functionally with the customer service team.

  • De Lune

    Serve as the Head of Community to integrate various marketing channels, including: customer experience, loyalty programming, social media strategy and brand voice.

  • CAVA

    Support this beloved cult-favorite brand in building banter and scaling presence on social media with comprehensive community strategy and management.

  • Indyx

    Composed a launch strategy for their community-centered digital presence. Services included launching TikTok, relaunching Instagram and consulting on their hosted Slack community.

Persephone planet is a trusted partner in creating vibrant online communities.