Purposeful offerings to move your blossoming brand from marketing panic into a magnetic digital community.

  • From one-off projects translating your brand’s verbal identity into customer service scripts to ongoing customer service management, Persephone Planet is here to support businesses that value generous, relationship-first service models.

  • If community is the next wave on social media, consider us your surf instructors. Let us transform your stagnant comments section into a thriving community space for your brand evangelists to connect.

  • Words matter. Words on your website, your welcome email flow, and your social media (or anything else) deserve to be infused with the warmth and charm we’ve become known for.

  • Harness the full impact of your brand story with our tactful storytelling savvy paving the way. Guide you customers through each brand touchpoint with a cohesive message that centers them as a hero on a journey.


Intentionally is the only way we do things. Inquire today so we can dive in together when the moment is right.


Fractional Community Lead

starting at $4400 retainer

A custom blend of services delivered as an integrated member of your team, perfect for early-stage startups who aren’t quite ready to hire a full team.

  • Customer service management, social community management, welcome & subscriber email flow strategy, subscription gifting strategy, private community design and hosting, and more.

    Inquire to receive a custom quote with a blend of services tailored to your business needs.

Ready to be a thought leader, but busy running your business? This guided experience offers collaborative brainstorming, post optimization, plus a team that handles all the logistics like editing, posting, and analytics.

Founder storytelling

$500 – 60min session

  • Brand voice alignment audit, responses audit, tailored recommendation deck, and 60 minute consultation call with Q&A.

Experience workshopping

starting at $1800 retainer

If your brand voice isn’t robotic, why are your customer service responses and email flows?

  • Monthly brainstorming call, content calendar, post optimization, post scheduling, monthly analytics report.