Purposeful offerings to move your blossoming brand from marketing panic into a magnetic digital community.

  • From one-off projects translating your brand’s verbal identity into customer service scripts to ongoing customer service management, Persephone Planet is here to support businesses that value generous, relationship-first service models.

  • If community is the next wave on social media, consider us your surf instructors. Let us transform your stagnant comments section into a thriving community space for your brand evangelists to connect.

  • Words matter. Words on your website, your welcome email flow, and your social media (or anything else) deserve to be infused with the warmth and charm we’ve become known for.

  • Harness the full impact of your brand story with our tactful storytelling savvy paving the way. Guide you customers through each brand touchpoint with a cohesive message that centers them as a hero on a journey.

  • Hand over the reins to our experienced team of social media and community-building pros. Grow your organic social media accounts by harnessing the power of community connection and storytelling.


Intentionally is the only way we do things. Inquire today so we can dive in together when the moment is right.


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